His faithfulness in the garden

Today I want to share a fun story about how faithful God is in our daily lives.

If you are in a place where you feel the sting of disappointment or feeling you are moving so fast from one thing to the next, or maybe you are just bored and unsure of what you are suppose to be focusing on, then you might want to keep reading. I don’t feel like I have the perfect words to share and definitely wish later in life that I would have payed better attention in writing class as a child, but I have something to say about how faithful God is.

Recently I have been pretty occupied with hands full multitasking several jobs whilst homeschooling our three children. I don’t know about you but when I am busy I want to know God is calling me to this type of busy. The busy that you can see God enlarging your capacity, grace and order.

When in this season, I want to hear what God is saying about every place I am investing my time as I am sure you do too. God is enlarging us. It actually requires us. It strengthens our muscles, to practice resting in Him even more so. Think about that. Called to a busy season actually requires us to be disciplined in REST. Ok, going back to a faith God story. Stick with me.

The last few weeks I had been feeling this place in my gut that just is not satisfied. When I would pray, I would almost shout out to God like, "I know there is more. Manifest your presence more in every area of my life God!”

I have a few garden plots and I have been teaching families there. I have weekly classes where we grow veggies and equip kids to get outside and explore but more than that, it is a ministry for mothers. Last week I started to get these feelings I was not seeing God move at all in our classes and maybe I should stop teaching for a bit. I prayed and told God, “God, I do not want to spend my time teaching these classes if these families at class are not meeting you.”

Fast forward to this week at our class gathering. A mother got to chatting with me and had shared about a personal struggle happening in her body. Just minutes before, God was asking me to ask her if I could pray for this specific body part, which seemed to have no visible issues. God gave me a word for her that totally blessed her. She encountered a living and healing God at the garden. We gathered around and prayed and more moms got touched all from that moment.

God is so faithful. He is looking for those that are hungry for more. He will go to the garden with us, or wherever our daily is.

- Tawni Carney. Revival Kids Pastor

Penelope Atkinson